When three young travelers decide to forgo traditional lodging in favor of finding a somewhat secluded area in which to sleep outside. They then form a triangle with their bodies, head to toe, with their possessions in the middle to prevent theft. A variation of the hobo triangle includes building a fire in the middle.
Traveler #1: Did you guys make it back to the hostel last night? I didn't hear you come in.
Traveler #2: No, we just formed a Hobo Triangle down under the pier to save some cash.
Broken automobile glass, usually found in suspect communities (i.e. hoods, trailer parks, ghetto mall parking lots, etc.), with chunks that resemble cubic zirconias regularly seen in "urban" nightclubs or Wal-Marts nationwide.
That dude's got a sterling silver pinky ring encrusted with hobo diamonds.
Clothes from the thrift shop
I just got maddd hobo merch from the thrift shop
hobo Slide |ˈhōˌbō - slīd|
noun ( pl. -boes or -bos)
verb ( past slid |slid|) intrans.
accidentally sliding on a homeless persons feces on a sidewalk or public place; an act that brings one closer to being a hobo.
• trans. move along a surface on feces in such a way : she slid on the crap on the sidewalk.
• change gradually to a worse condition or lower level : the countries economy is on a hobo slide: he grew a beard and has holes in his shirt, he's on a hobo slide.
ORIGIN early 21st cent.: an Indian girl in San Francisco muttered the words to a friend as she attempted to eat ice cream.
let something slide negligently allow something to deteriorate : The dude had tape on his glasses, he's on a hobo slide.
When your hobo friend dies and you hoist him into the Safeway dumpster. Traditional.
Later on I gave him a traditional Hobo Funeral, like he always said he wanted, in the Safeway dumpster.
A power hobo is one of the hopeless many typically found in bus stations, airports, Starbucks and other public locations scrounging around for a power outlet.
Unlike hobos who may congregate around a fire in the winter to keep warm, power hobos congregate around the scarce resources offered by 2 three prong outlets that are sparingly located. Typically you can hear them say "hey is there an outlet back there" or "could you spare a few minutes for me to plug into your power outlet".
The flight was late and the power hobos began to drift through the airport looking for a spare power outlet. Buddy can you spare a watt.
verb. you can be victum or offender.
1)the act of snatching or stealing the only object of a hobo (a homeless person).
2)the act of a hobo snatching something of yours and claiming it as their own.
person a: hahah look it's a hobo!!
person b: let's hobo snatch his blanket...
person a: okay!
*person steals hobo's blanket*
(the hobo now owns zero possesions)
*person holding onto a can of soup and walking by a hobo*
*hobo steals the can of soup*
person: hey!! dude, that's mine!!
hobo: umm.. no..this is MINE!!!
person: you can't just hobo snatch me, jerk!!