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Love. When you are in love you know almost in an instant. You know your in love when your emotions toward a person are unexplainable. You would do anything to keep this person safe. You always have their best interest in mind. You want this person succeed against all odds. Love is a serious word not to be toyed with because it means

I'm in love with her/him I can't explain it, but I'm in love with her/him...

by ImNotAStroryTeller May 5, 2017

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(Adj.) Literally, it means 'full of love.' The opposite of this is clearly 'hateful.' To better understand the term you must not be a hateful hatemonger like SOME people. (::points around the room::) huh!? HUH!? Yeah! That's right. ...'Loveful' was coined during a mid-day phone call between Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

me: "You are so loveful. I wish I could be as naturally loveful as you."
mj: "Seriously, you hateful bastard. Here's to not being a winner every day! ...hateful!"

by TheKidDAM December 21, 2005

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love...an over used word that everyone has forgotten the true meaning of. It's not about kissing, hugging, sex, or cuddling. That's all a lie. Love isn't any one of those. Love is indescribable, yes but love is something that you don't have to prove to someone by showing the public that you kiss and hug.

Love is when you can't live without that person, but you wouldn't die because that person is gone. You would just live two lives to the fullest. Love is where you agree on things that aren't meant to be faught over. Love is something pure something special. Love shouldn't be used so easily like it is in todays socity. If people are going to use "Love" so freeily then we should just give it a different name. Because what most people call "Love" isn't really love. Love isn't about kissing or anything of the sort...it's hard to explain but only 1 out of every million people know what TRUE love is...and it's nothing that everyone really has.

Love is special, undescribable, caring for another, not kissing, hugging, sex or any of the sort. You shouldn't have to do any of that to say or prove your in "love". It's something that's just there and always will be, not expressable.

Like a mothers or fathers love, non-expressable but you always know it's there.

by AnticXAshley January 21, 2008

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In the romantic sense, love is that addiction that your body needs but your mind hates.
Love is danger, but it's also your safety.
Usually felt with a sense of both terror and bliss, it's like falling out a window, but never hitting the ground.

She fell in love with his eyes, and the way he said her name.

by Enigmuse April 15, 2014

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Immature Love is: I love you because i need you.

Mature Love is: I need you because i love you.

Immature Love: "i love you because i can't find anything better"

Mature Love: "Please stay, i love you".

by Shannon Elizabeth July 21, 2005

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A word used by many, but understood by few.

"I love you"
"I love you"
"I love you"
"I love you"
only a few times this is said, it is meant.

by Reback February 15, 2005

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1. that akward feeling in what feels like your stomach (affects how you feel and think) which causes you to do/say really stupid things

2. the reason people kill themselves
3. the reason people live

You can't imagine how powerful love is.
Love is what drives you. . . . . . off a very high cliff.

by pHiLL, meu amor February 7, 2005

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