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hand-start the yogurt thrower

to engage in self-arousal techniques; to masturbate

"I walked in on Allan, and he was totally hand-starting the yogurt thrower.

by Brian September 5, 2004

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Get naked and start the revolution

It means to get naked and have sex and/or run around naked and cause all kinds of social comotion ect.

You want a get naked and start the revolution?

by Deep blue 2012 August 24, 2010

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

School starts at 7:30

The mantra of the greatest neighborhood high school in Chicago, TAFT High School. The phrase "School starts at 7:30" was popularized by the pragmatic and sometimes controversial principal, Mr. G in 2015 and reinforced with a series of humorous short videos. These videos include the principal riding a BMX bike, playing the drums and popping a wheely on a motorcycle. More videos were provided by state politicians, Chicago sports icons and Snooki from Jersey Shore fame.

I have to volunteer at the homeless shelter, do my homework and my chores so I can get to bed early because School starts at 7:30.

by Eagle 58 September 24, 2019

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suck start a leaf blower

you can tell a girl gives mad head/blowjobs only by her appearance

Josh: β€œyo mia can suck start a leaf blower”
Eli: β€œnigga youve never even gotten head”

by whotfisricky April 8, 2019

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kansas city kick start

to kick a female in the vagina to prime her for sex, also known as a hoof to the front butt

John wanted to have sex but Sally wasn't horny, so John gave her a Kansas City kick start.

by DARKNESS July 3, 2015

Fuck Start Your Soul

Highly offensive wording to motivate someone and/or the actual physical contact between a penis and soul.

Example 1: If Woody isn't in my office in fifteen minutes I'm going to FUCK START HIS SOUL!!!

Example 2: Chesty Puller is waiting patiently in heaven for you to die so he can fuck start your soul!

by mtrdr281 January 26, 2013

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Just start a business

A conservative fallacy. Whenever a liberal or leftist mentions income inequality, poor working conditions or the many problems created by hierarchical systems: right-wingers, conservatives and 'libertarians' will inevitably resort to the 'just start a business' retort. The problems with this adage are A) it isn't possible for everyone to start a business, for a variety of reasons (e.g. most people do not possess the necessary startup capital). B) if everyone started their own business then there would be no workers available to work within each business, and C) most leftists are opposed to the concept of heirarchy in business, so starting their own business wouldn't solve the problem of heirarchy (if you're against the existence of bosses, becoming a boss does not solve the problem). The fallacy is common among pampered prep-boys who have never had to work a day in their lives.

Leftist: I hate the fact that people have to work 40 hours a week for 40 years just to earn their right to survive.
Conservative: Just start a business, then you won't have to do this.
Leftist: How does this solve the problem? I'll just be joining the ranks of those I despise.
Conservative: Yeah but you won't be a wage-slave anymore.
Leftist: Yes, but I don't just care about myself; I'm interested in the working conditions of all people.
Conservative: Lol w/e bosses work even harder bro.
Leftist: That proves my point, even bosses aren't exempt from the treadmill.
Conservative: You're just lazy lol, just start a business you lazy welfare sponge.
Leftist: How old are you?
Conservative: All Lives matter.

by Dial M for Money September 21, 2020

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