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Janky, or "janked" refers to an object that is not working as advertised or failing to meet the standards of the user. it is typically used to describe objects, mainly technology

"I made it to level 5, but this game is so janky i CANT EVENNN"
"omg lemme see!.......yep that is janked"

by rebearry March 12, 2022


A person place or thing
That is believed to be bad luck or hold bad onx

That man came over and made me lose with his Janky self

by K J Grimes December 20, 2016


Any modified Jeep or modified 4x4 vehicle or any SEMA build

That jeep is so janky

by The definition escapes me November 29, 2018


Jewish and lanky.

wow, jessica. did you see Jim? he so janky.

by sadfatdragon March 16, 2015


Janky is its own special word that means somthing like Nasty, Bad, Stupid and so on. Janky can be used as an Adjective to describe somthing or someone.

"Damn, That bitch is janky"

"Ya'll niggas doin some janky shit"

"School is fuckin janky"

by African Slave November 17, 2009

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Janky Tech

using any add-on like a USB controller or USB mouse on an unlikely device like an android tablet.

Dude, you should've seen the looks I got when people say the Janky Tech I had. It was hilarious!

by DerpBlerpMcGee October 4, 2017


Something that's jacked up

Dam Earl you see that jankie bitch?

by Jim long dong June 4, 2022