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A guy who all the Zoe’s want to “climb generally named Tyler

Tyler’s such a ladder

by Gurglegoose March 11, 2021


A slang word which means later or see you later

Wanna hang out ladder and get a bite to eat

by The real23 October 30, 2017


A lash bed

Joel proceeded to use the ladder to put the tv on the wall

It was work health safety compliant because the lash bed identified as a ladder

by Rodney007 April 29, 2024


A object used to obtain more height when doing tasks

Someone’s with rungs

The lash bed identifies as a ladder

by Rodney007 April 29, 2024


The combination of a 2mg xanax bar (aka ladder) and an Adderall IG 20mg.

That Ladderal gave me God mode last night.

by 420710wow October 22, 2021

Cum Ladder

The process of cumming onto your hand in such a way that you ejaculate two parallel strings of jizz across your fingers, resembling a ladder. This may occur during masturbation.

I jizzed a perfect cum ladder across my fingers last night.

by Trans Lotad February 20, 2025

Ladder Bucket

A small plastic container that connects to a ladder so the painter can urinate without climbing down. There is a maximum fill on the bag, if it gets too full a bell rings and it tips over like the bucket at Great Wolf Lodge soaking all the children below below the ladder.

It’s hot as hell out here, I’ll definitely be there for Jose’s ladder bucket.

My kids get so excited when the bell rings, they run right over to play in Jose’s ladder bucket.

by Knowledge Sponge July 2, 2023