Matrix Syndrome is a mental disorder in which the illusion of our constructed reality is shattered usually through redpills. Suffers generally contract this disorder through research of how our ancestors lived, and how we are meant to live. Symptoms include hopelessness, depression, feeling as if the sufferer is mentally ill or everyone else around them is, the feeling that everything in the world is fake, and total disconnection from popular culture.
This syndrome seems to primarily affect Millennials and Generation Z, specifically males. It is currently unknown whether it affects females of the same age group or members of other age groups.
Current experimental treatments include talking with like-minded people (primarily other sufferers of Matrix Syndrome or people sympathetic) and homesteading.
While similar to being what is called "blackpilled" (where all hope is lost) the key difference is the hopefulness a person suffering from Matrix Syndrome feels if things go back to a previous way of life.
The name Matrix Syndrome was chosen as a reference to the 1999 film 'The Matrix' where the main character becomes "awake" to the fact that his reality is constructed through a red pill. The illusion of the false reality is shattered leading to the events of the film.
Josh: Nothing makes sense anymore man. Why does anyone care about pop culture bs
Jose: It sounds like you have Matrix Syndrome... honestly same
A combination of LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, DXM (preferably freebase powder, hbr or polistrex is very dirty feeling, and drinking cough medicine sucks. Can also be substituted with another dissociative like ketamine or MXE, but a traditional Matrix Flip involves DXM freebase) and then, while peaking on all three, blast off on DMT. First, you take the LSD. An hour later, you take the mushrooms (I prefer brewing them in to tea while waiting on the acid to kick in, add some honey, delicious.) And wash down the DXM freebase with the mushroom tea. After about an hour, youโll be primed to Matrix Flip repeatedly for the next 4-6 hours. Just blast DMT at-will at that point.
We went camping and Matrix Flipped under the stars, it was as if this universe didnโt even exist, we were all coexisting in a different dimension as one entity of consciousness.
when you can't remember a joke
Finn: Hey Jake what was the joke you said again?
Jake: What joke? I don't remember
Finn: Maybe it's Batrix Matrix
the greatest movie of all time.
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A phenomenon that potheads use to explain things that happen when they have no idea (usually because they are stoned).
Dude, I found my lighter in the cabinet! Talk about a glitch in the matrix!
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an account for a missing period of time or a lapse in the space-time continium.
usually used by stoners and those without the brain capacity to remember what they had for breakfast.
G1:"you guys seen my dog?"
G2:"no, didnt you leave him at K-mart?"
G1:"when??.........oh shit!"
C1:"uhg ug!"
C2:"ug uhh guh?"
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When a philosophy teacher gets hit with a question that starts with "Isn't it just like the matrix . . . ?"
While talking about Plato's cave, Professor Brown got matrixed.
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