Source Code

Meals on Feels

When someone tries to woo/seduce another person by buying and bringing them food.

"Is that guy who just dropped off this take-out for you your boyfriend?"

"Nah. He wishes he was so he keeps bringing me food. He's like Meals on Feels."

by yogabbagabbamustbestopped May 21, 2019

meals on wheels

The act of doing 69 when one of the participants is confined to a wheel chair.

I met this hot paraplegic and we had some meals on wheels, needless to say I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth.

by WeipingLim August 12, 2007

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Ethiopian Meal

When the meal has no food, or nothing edible causing you to starve.

John: How was dinner with her parents?
Sam: It was terrible, we ate an Ethiopian Meal then they talked.

by The Wiggles Stooge February 9, 2012

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Large Meal

Fast food terminology;

America: Giant burger, a bucket of fries and a gallon of Cola (with refills).
Europe: Large burger, a sachet of fries and a litre of Cola (without refills).

Now do you understand, America?

by Stuart Fletcher February 22, 2005

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nappy meal

when you buy a 24 piece chicken and a 40oz of colt 45

Michael Potter decided to buy a nappy meal after school.

by hotmilk69 January 8, 2010

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meal deal

The sexual act of making a cream pie in someone’s anus then eating it out usually followed by a strong drink. It is named after the supermarket deal also called a meal deal in which you buy a main, a snack and a drink for a low price. In the sexual act, the cream pie is the main, the potential shit from the arse is the snack and the drink afterwards is the drink.

Person 1- hey want to go get a meal deal?
Person 2(person 1s SO) -ok

Person 1- Tesco or co-op?
Person 2- neither *gives person 1 a meal deal*

by Throwaway handle February 22, 2018

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in-flight meal

An in-the-closet homosexual (usually male) who serves in the Air Force.

His CO doesn't know, but he's definitely an in-flight meal.

He is one tasty-looking in-flight meal.

There's no meal on this flight! (i.e., The flight crew is vocally heterosexual.)

by Lizzie Strata March 31, 2005

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