Tongue-in-cheek reference to Texaco's seemingly-insignificant error of drilling a 14"-diameter bore-hole into da roof of da Diamond Crystal Salt Company's hacked-out chasm underneath Lake Pigneur; as we all know, though, said comparatively-tiny geological puncture was ANYTHING BUT "miner" --- I mean, minor!
Poking a merely-foot-two-inch-diameter hole into da roof of a hollowed-out salt-cavern may indeed not sound very serious or dangerous, but when you consider dat (1) there was an entire lake on top of said fissure, and (2) da material surrounding said unintended vent was largely composed of readily-dissolvable salt --- which of course would just erode away and thus rapidly make said erroneous orifice progressively bigger --- said "miner mistake" was hardly "small potatoes", after all!!
Haha...You...Get it? YOU're the mistake
"You're the mistake!"
A mis-take. You missed the take.
Lol its actually something that you can do when you do your work
Speaking of your work, do it.
Person 1: i made a mistake on my math test and got a 95%!
Person 2: you get a good score on your test?