having more than one facebook account in your name.
She was totally multi-facing in order to have a bigger Mafia on Mafia-Wars!
I can't belive that she multi-faces in order for her to keep her friends and co-workers seperate on facebook!
Doing multiple non-productive things at once. E.G. Playing Words with Friends, shopping on Amazon, watching Vines, etc.
I didn't get my report at work done cuz I was multi-slacking.
1) The act of slapping one's penis against the revolutionary iPhone device in a desire to utilize the new input system. This is usually done with the intent of creating a pleasing "slapping" sound against the iPhone or other modile devices. The best way to do this is when you have men from two different ethnic backgrounds "multi-touching". This creates the greatest experience of "multi colored" "multi-touch".
1) Dude, lets go multi-touch on this new iPhone
a person who experiences attraction to multiple genders. this includes bi, pan, omni, poly, and many more identities.
multi- is the prefix used, it can be multisexual, multiromantic, or whatever other form of attraction one feels towards multiple genders.
everyone on the multi- spectrum is very valid! i'm bi so me too lol :
A person who’s very obsessed with Germany, and also no life’s one game and never comes back to it after he/she is done.
Person 1:imagine being a multi. Person 2: I know right?