On April 24th it's national send nudes day. And if not received by the person you ask you hit them in the genatals
Person one:it's international send nudes day, so you know what you have to do
Person two : I guess so
It's May 14th the national day of sending nudes to your partner what are you waiting for??
You:"Hey it's 14th of May National send nudes day!"
July 23-24 is the day you send nudes to someone you feel comfortable with.
Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.
Jay: Hey did you know it's national send nudes day
Jess: OH really okay
-sends 1 attachments-
On October 29th send your significant other nudes
Him:”do you know what tomorrow is?”
Her:” no what is it?”
Him:”national send nudes day!”
On October 6th marks National Send Nudes Day where anyone you choose has to send you nudes.
Jerry:hey Samantha guess what today is
Samantha: what is it?
Jerry: it’s National Send Nudes Day
Samantha:ugh fine
July 24th is the day you send nudes to someone you feel comfortable with.
Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, or even someone you have a thing with.
Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!
*sends nudes to Person 2*
Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!
*sends nudes to Person 1*
On December 22, you must send a/or multiple nudes to someone of your liking. This is a glorious day. This is a pre Christmas gift that you shall receive as well.
You must send me nudes on national send nudes day!