Jye wivells absolute Fire of a spotify playlist! Thus bringing the fire of the flamethrower, but also gets you moist like the ocean that is an octopus. Thus kosteninflatie 8 times in a row Will get you going
Fuck that octopus flamethrower is what this game of badminton needs
Just another one of Australia’s creatures that can fucking kill you. Small octopus with noticeable blue rings, harboring in the Western Pacific Ocean. It’s small frame contains a neurotoxin that will send you to meet Jesus. Not can, will.
Mate I think I touched a Blue Ringed Octopus.
Well nice knowing you.
The best DLC in history, yes better than the land DLC for fish that led to our existence. However, you bought the fitness DLC for the game that is life. You let an 8-ball fall, test fucking failed
Octopus expansion, better known as be a fucking octoling or perish is the best. You disliked this, test failed
Right!? I was just thinking about this in the car. Right, so, the framework is like a helmet on an octopus. You're picturing it now aren't you? Nope. You're going it wrong you're thinking of a football helmet or a baseball helmet. You should be thinking of a rusty medieval plate helm. Do it right or you won't get any money.
Iam "Yeah, that's what I was leaning towards. It's like a helmet on an octopus. You can swap out the framework but it's (more or less) the thing they use to protect themselves from an uncertain world."
Hym "You are the laziest piece of shit on the planet!"
Iam "What!? What did I do?"
Hym "We have shit to do. You can't sit around and write all day!"
Iam "Sorry.... Alright got to go bye!"
A term used by professional divers (see monkey fucking a football) to describe a particular person or organizations discombobulated attempt to complete a task. (Note the diver has air hoses and is underwater)
Holy shit! You’re so tangled in your own lines and hoses you look like an octopus fucking a bag pipe.
Suicide by octopus, like something out of a movie.
The girl brought a blue ringed octopus to her hotel in a fish tank and put it in the bath tub with her, but the good news is that she was an organ donor, and she had donated 7 organs to seven different strangers after she had determined whether or not they were worthy of her organ donations/transplants. She had a guilt complex about killing her husband in a car accident while distracted by a cell phone call. Had she been a fugitive from the law, she most likely wouldn't have time to feel guilty, but since his death looked like an accident, she had time not only to develop a guilt complex, but to pick and choose seven strangers as candidates for organ transplants after her premeditated suicide. Her octopus death was one of the more interesting ways to die that investigators or medical examiners had ever seen.
Talking about octopus death as a cause of death is like driving a Ferrari to females if you do it right, though it's like the opposite of driving a Ferrari if you don't.
Other guy- Do females actually go for the Octopus death shit?
Guy- Yes, they think I'm as charming as the Grinch when I talk about Octopus death.