lean that has multiple pills in it making look like there is sand in it.
Ayy Rory made some muddy lean for the party tonight.
The elixir golem from clash royale who often goes to CVS to pick up lean ingredients.
Lean monster " I LOVE LEAN"
Best friend. Someone you go to for support.
I talked to my lean.
When you use Japan's post-war economic miracle to justify your poor planning and organization as being more efficient.
Dave: Bro, isn't your PhD thesis due next week? Shouldn't you have started it by now?
Henry: Nah dude, I'm using this new system where I do things at the last possible second. It's more efficient.
Dave: It just sounds like you suck at time management.
Henry: Nah dude, it's Lean Manufacturing. It's from Toyota or some shit.
Nutmeg and water mixed together to recreationally use.
Dorian: Dude theres shadow people coming after me!
Dave: You sure it ain't that Jersey Lean?
"Then I'm going to lean in for the kill." Mark said.
"Nice job dude!!" Harry exclaimed.
Take a whiff of this satori, it'll have you leaning sideways with a single hit.