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pimple farm

An over abundance of acne that is ready for harvest.

"Yo, its time for the Dermatologist. Your Pimple Farm is ready for harvest."

by Scott & Kevin May 11, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

farm hand

An open handed slap on a hot ass, occasionally followed by a hard tooshie squeeze.

The phrase has its origins in the agricultural industry, where farmers would often slap their cows hard to get their attention. This gesture is an adaptation, its primary intentions being to rouse the attention of females, and to treat them as if they were cattle.

"Damn, Jenny has a hot ass. I'm gonna give her a farm hand."


"Last night while I was hooking up with this girl, I have her a huge farm hand. She'll be marked for at least two weeks."

by Shawn Mott June 27, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

booger farm

A hidden place that all men all of the world have where the keep their booger's after they pick their nose. All men have a booger farm in a place where they spend a lot of time. For example every man has a farm at work, home, and even at their best friends house. The question is where does your husband keep his????

Honey, is that your booger farm behind the couch in the living room????

by Jeremy Holt June 24, 2005

27๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

buy a farm

Literally means: to die.
A phrase made popular by Robert A. Heinlein's "Starship Troopers".

Shortened version: to buy it

"However, you are just as dead if you buy a farm in an "incident" as you are if you buy it in a declared war."

by tanith first and only January 1, 2009

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Turnip Farm

A Turnip Farm is a large area of farm land, usually located in the Essex area of Rainham. A Turnip Farm usually uses pre-pay horses working off the oyster network although charging an extremely high rate of ยฃ17 in order to keep the so called "ruffians" from East London away from the such restricted and isolated area. The Turnip Farms are inhabitants are referred to as "Turnips", they have to ride for miles on there horses for the local shop. Turnips are usually very lonely people although on rare occasions attract (or entice) normal people on to their "home land" which they then butcher and do their customary sheep dance around the dead corpses. In a Turnip Farm, the main attraction is always the local carpenter, in which the settlement started around, spreading out from a central location, the carpenters bush, which is believe to be inhabited from post-e7 paedophiles so a law exsts that no-one must stand with-in 20feet of that bush. The average birthday present for a 'Turnip' is old, east London bicycle wheel and for Christmas it is expected to receive a lump of charcoal, the hard the better, and therefore the more loved you are. The standard diet of 'Turnips' is oak leaves and grass although they have a delicacy of BTL (Bacon, Lettuce and Cucumber). The 'Turnips' have also been known to abandon the English language and to randomly make up there own words, spelling for them words and secret code. One positive thing about 'Turnips' is that they attract very cool east Londoners who then have to teach them the way of city life, as a right of passage.

Georgia, Jenny and Bryony live in Turnip Farm, they are Turnips.

by Some Special East Londoner February 11, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

darn farm

Something that just isn't that great. It can be a situation that is unfavorable, a bad test grade or even used in a jesting manner. Even though it doesn't rhyme it has a nice jingle to it.

(First Person) Oh no! My dad said we won't be home in time for the reunion.
(Second Person) Darn Farm - with a frown of course

by Speny K June 24, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boone's Farm

A delicious wine,that is both extremely affordable and available at pretty much any establishment that sells liquor.

Dave: I wanna get my drink on but i spent all my money on this quarter.

John:Well i heard they have Boone's Farm 2 for $5 down at the ghetto mart

Dave:And so our journey begins....

by sir.davey February 4, 2011

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