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Also known as weewee or male hotdog. Used to make tiny shits with a pussy

I just played with my peepee it squirted

by Smart man76 April 8, 2019


A cock :3

This woman has a peepee?

by ImAIdiot:3 August 30, 2021


Big boy thing u suck it

Wow his peepee is so big

by Speedypatt March 25, 2021


P comes out of your PP and cum comes out your PP

Person1: Man I got to p I am just going to whip my pp
Person3: you spelled Peepee

by Nut busting master December 13, 2020


The immature 5 year old version of penis that you say when you don’t want to get in trouble for saying penis.

Billy: *hurts penis*
Dad: Billy what’s wrong

Billy: I hurt my PeePee

by 2 c*nts May 15, 2019


Basically people but just a cooler way of saying it, and yes for the 69th time Ik what pp's mean that's why I chose this word.

:Hey peepees! Wassup?
:The peepees over at Jin's house are cool.

by glizzygobbler124 June 24, 2022


Toughest gang around the block. No one messes with the peepee gang unless ur one of them.

Your pretty tough, are you a peepee?

by jakeisadick October 6, 2020