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someone who doesn't know that it's actually spelled poseur

skateboarders, mall-whores

by Jamie Thomas July 25, 2005

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Poser=Piece of shiter

I met this big poser and he was pissing me off all day

by Zombieman July 8, 2006

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1.Mainly everyone in the world due to aquiring infomation from their environment and outputing them depending on which they admire.

2.Someone that does'nt have a mind of their own and tends to follow the crowd;Someone that always listen to what other people tell them.

1.People that tend to judge whether or not someone is a poser are actually posers themselves by being those type of people who judge.

2.A person who went thru several labels without being constant(goth, thug, punk, anti-social, etc.)

by X-X March 18, 2006

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Someone who tries to fit in with something that they are not. In example, a Slipknot fan.

Person 1: "OMG! Duality is like the greatest Slipknot song ever!!"
Person 2: "Oh really? Have you even heard OTHER great Slipknot songs like The Heretic Anthem, Vermillion, Eyeless, Surfacing, or even Wait And Bleed for that matter?
Person 1: "Wait...there's more than 1 Slipknot song?"
Person 2: "You are such a poser."

by Kuro Fox January 24, 2007

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A person who pretends to like something they do not (a certain type of music, fashion style, etc), usually in order to fit in with a certain group of people.

Pop_Princess394: I LOVE HARD CORE MUSIC!!! Am I cool now?

True_Fan: Hmmm...something tells me you're a poser.

by YourCerealKiller January 17, 2006

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a person (im not aloud 2 name names but hey,here we go,yeah rachel stanley,matthew plant,jack beckwith,emma whats her last name,sonia latif,naan bread,millie hawkins)who has no personal style or identity.e.g avril lavigne,lindsay lohan,good charlotte,mcfly.

"you fucking poser"implies the subject is a poser
"im a punk/goth/emo"bollocks.if you know you are then you dont say it,thats just desperate man.
"move your fat,poser ass"please move you huge vile creature wiith no identity.your making me vomit.
"my walls eill eat you"they WILL.

by i love pointed December 24, 2005

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ok these definitions are allrigh but miss a few key point. a poser is a person who trys to conform to a social group to either look cool, get atention, or because they are uncofident. a poser isnt really what they are trying to be

a poser dosnt have to be conformed to any group such as preps.

the best way to spot a poser- a poser will allways anounce their group through acts, clothing and speech

i have a poser friend and this is how it goes.

me- wats up?

him- nottin yall

me- why do u talk like dat?

him- cause ima redneck.

(he wears the stupid confederat (sp) flag n trys to act racist. he wears alot of flannel and a hat that says eith "Git Er Done" or "REBEL REBEL REDNECK"

FUCK POSERS roll on their bitch asses

by wat it do? January 10, 2007

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