Reverse cow girl while making duck calls and tickling the ass with a feather.
So we were wacky quacking and her ass sneezed.
Right after reaching orgasm you quack really loud so that everyone in the room can hear. This is typically done while having an orgy to assert dominance over all the other males.
Dude, I quacked during an orgy and all the other dudes in the room stopped to acknowledge me.
to me, quack is the best person on the whole entire planet earth. she's beautiful, kind, sweet, pretty, thoughtful, and funny. she's the best friend / gf anyone could ever want and ask for. i love you quack !! happy early birthday <3
quack is aka quack0._.0 on tiktok :) go follow her . !! - mila
i love quack
Different way to say received a message
Charlotte just quacked me a hello
The word Helga uses to get the attention of fellow quackers.
Helga: where are all the quaker’s?
Helga: Quack
(Quackers come running round Helga)
Helga: ahhh there u r my precious quackers.
An noise idiots make when they encounter ducks or other bird species.
(Sees duck) Wow!! Look! QUACK QUACK (flaps arms like wings.