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Apparently what most people on urban dictionary hate.

Look at some of the highest rated definitions of religion.

by Spid22 January 23, 2011

362πŸ‘ 374πŸ‘Ž

A religion

The religion 'a' was formed by a group of moronic 12 year olds in the year 2003. Followers worship the letter 'a' and think that God is the image of giant smiling letter a with pigtails and a crown. The followers are led by the 'Pope of a,' who is a mystical figure, suspected to have died of a ruptured spleen in late 2005.

The paramilitary wing of the religion (the crusaders of cheerfulness) is led by Sergeant Smiley, one of the world's most wanted criminals. Despite not having any bodily features aside from a large round hairless face, he has killed over 2000 supporters of the rivalling religion b, with the help of his comrades.

Guy: Do you believe in God then?
Dumb guy: Yeah, God is the letter a.
Guy: What the fuck?
Dumb guy: Yeah, I'm a member of the a religion.
Guy: You dumb shit.

by Comrade Pi October 28, 2006

46πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


The only acceptable form of bullying

Terrorist: go and blow those people up or be damned to a life of suffering and misery
Innocent muslim: ok

by bumwillydribbleboobies July 17, 2005

505πŸ‘ 538πŸ‘Ž


Religion has many meanings and it can be difficult to agree upon an operational definition. A definition can involve: 1) religion is human involvement in what is considered the realm of the sacred; 2) It is expressed in thought, action, and social forms; 3) It is expressed in ritual; 4) It constitutes a total system of symbols with deep meanings; 5) It is a path of ultimate transformation. The practice of religion is a fundamentally human activity, leading scholars to questions why this should be so. One of the founders of anthropology, Sir Edward B. Tylor argued that religion originated in animism, (from anima, β€œspirit”) from the experiences of ancient peoples in death and dreams. Then, Sir James Frazer collected a massive amount of data from ancient and indigenous cultures and argued that religion originated in magic. Later, Sigmund Freud argued from psychoanalysis that God is a projection of a father-figure growing out of the human need to feel secure and the feelings of love-hate-fear we feel. Karl Marx argued it exists as a means of social control and pacification.

Religions & Beliefs: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, BahÑ’í Faith, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism (Daoism), Confucianism, Falun Gong, Shinto, Shugendo, Tenrikyo, Seicho-no-Ie, PL Kyodan (Church of Perfect Liberty), Aum Shinrikyo, Oomoto, Shinbutsu Shugo, Cao Dai, Cheondoism, Mandaeism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Rastafari, Wicca, Neo-Paganism, Thelema, New Age, Unitarian Universalism, Satanism, Atheist, Agnostic, Heaven’s Gate (UFO Suicide Cult), Scientology.

by Dancing with Fire March 17, 2011

147πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž


the most pathetic aspect of human culture today, simply not needed, its time to pull our heads out of our asses and its time to evolve, FUCK RELIGION

influences almost every part of pathetic human society

Lets abolish religion

by MASS SUICIDE May 9, 2009

322πŸ‘ 342πŸ‘Ž


The most popular type of organization on the face of the planet. And a force of extreme orientation. Motivator of history and mover of the masses. All religions are based on very similar doctirines (usually founding morals that are fun to argue about) and a theory of why we are here and who created us. Unfourtunately religion is such a strong force of orientation and deals in so many ultimates (gods unquestioned will, good and evil,life after death) that it can cause people to become unquestioning of their own beliefs. Which can be very destructive (see Ellie Weisels Preface in "Night" for a profound acount of what happens when people dont ask questions). Religion, although capable of many wonderfull things with its sense of community and task, can become very destructive when it becomes simply "about itself". Especially when people become polarized by religous/ social/ political trends. Religion can be a great thing if wielded with an inteligent and questioning outlook, and not one that only seeks comfort. Those who critisize religion should ask themselves if their own objections to religion (although justified) haven't become just as militant as the beliefs they oppose.

Also, Jehovas witnesses are way to excited about the apocalypse

Religion.......see also: a good reason to have a fund raiser, kill someone, mutilate the genitals, be compassionate.

by Po Ivey August 14, 2006

80πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


A bunch of man made rules telling people how to get to heaven.

Jesus has nothing to do with religion.

by Spanky November 14, 2004

302πŸ‘ 327πŸ‘Ž