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ricer flyby

The act of speeding by the winner of a street race at a high rate of speed, after losing said street race.

Passing the lead car in a street race, after the race has clearly ended. Usually performed because the loser is upset at the outcome of the race, and is secretly crying inside.

AKA: ricer buzz-by, ricer blow-by

After losing the race, Jimmy did a ricer flyby to avenge his loss.

by Jrod April 8, 2004

277👍 101👎

Free ricer

free·ricer: free-rahys, -rahys; noun, verb; free riced, free ricing.

1. Somebody who procrastinates crucial work in order to improve his or her vocabulary.

2. An individual who spends a majority of their time playing a game that is available on the internet where with each vocabulary question answered correctly 40 grains of rice are donated by a sponsor to UN World Food Organization.

Origin: 2008 combo; ME fre, OE fréo; c. Goth freis, OHG ; (G frei), D vrij, Skt priyá- dear. Cf. friend, Friday & ME ris, rys < OF < It riso, risi (in ML risium) < MGk orýzion, deriv. of Gk óryza

Boss: Did you get those TPS reports from Katy?

Sonja: No Boss, Katy is a total free ricer. She may never get them done, but she sure has a resplendent vocabulary!

by Arianna K. May 17, 2008

12👍 2👎

Ricer Angle

Un-necessarily tilting your camera while taking a picture of a car to seem artistic.

man that could have been a decent picture if it wasn't for the Ricer Angle.

by B. weezy August 21, 2007

31👍 9👎

Ricer Diagnostics


1) A person who clearly has no idea about how car engines work, but will add up all the engine modifications he has/plans to get with preconcieved horsepower figures to show how fast his car is.

2)A person who looks like hes working on his engine, but he's really just making sure his intake didn't fall off yet and he has no idea what he is doing or what is wrong with his car.

1) (man performing ricer diagnostics) "yea, well the car has 120 hp stock, but i got a intake, muffler, and performance tuner, so its got like 160 hp now, cuz the intakes 15 hp, the mufflers 15 hp, and the chips 10.

2) yea man, theres smoke coming outta the transfuxfibulator there, i just gotta retune my muffler bearings and it should be even faster than before.

by unclepeanuts April 26, 2011

Truck ricer

Like any normal ricer, a truck ricer has a lot of add ons and modifications that don’t do shit what so ever. Common characteristics of a truck ricer are but are not limited to: lifting your body 6 inches despite the axle remaining in the same position, a dumb ass exaust that makes your truck ridiculously loud and overly tinted windows, another awful characteristic of the tuck ricer is to lower it until it has almost no clearance which takes away most of the benefits of owning a truck in the first place

Asshole: “dude look at that low rider truck, that thing is sick bro

Respectable individual: “that truck ricer is fucking awful and so are you”

by The virgin wizard June 20, 2018


Person of caucasian ethnicity who seeks only mates of Asian ethnicity to the exclusion of all other options.

Jim is such a ricer enticer that i hear he frequents local sushi bars to find potentials.

Bonnie is such a picky ricer enticer that she only chooses to date asians with the last name Li.

I dont know why Suzy tends to be a ricer enticer ever since Orlando hit it and quit it.

by CRISPYTORTILLA March 24, 2010


Any modifications done to any vehcile.
Anything that is not OEM to your vehicle.
All modifications are riceand detract from your vehicles beauty.

Oh I see you got clear lenses. You are a fucking ricer piece of shit. Your vehicle came from the factory the way it is supposed to be leave it alone you dumbfuck.

by Robert Seifering June 11, 2008

4👍 51👎