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An "awkward situaton"

Person A: So, I hung out with my ex and his new girlfriend last night
Person B (in response): Awki-sesh......

by cebuck March 4, 2007

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coota sesh

a really good session (weed)

aye dardy that was a coota sesh una

by <=[$.:Br@dyn:.$]=> August 18, 2009

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stomp sesh

bout to get a beat down session

lets go have a stomp sesh on those faggots over there

by matt jones March 24, 2008

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after sesh

when you are your high as hell and your done smoking weed

you have a cigarette right after to intensify your buzz

the ultimate end to a sesh

yo bra, put down the bong and lets hit up an after sesh

by trav-s August 8, 2007

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Sesh Talk

Use of any stupid words like bouge, dank, or wackums to impress people(girls).

The girls were fly until James started using Sesh talk and scared them away. They thought he was a dumbass.

by Cocomo April 4, 2005

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love-sesh: Noun, verb;

1. When two people of mutual interest arrange a time and place where a love occurs at various intervals. Sessions may last 1-10 hours.

2. To engage in the act of having a love-sesh

Addy and I will have a massive love-sesh this weekend.

An orgie?

No dude, a love-sesh. Look it up.

by Mr.Buttins October 8, 2009

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101 sesh

A journey down the San Diego Pacific Coast Highway in which a car passenger spazzes out and performs other various shenanigans at passing pedestrians. A very common approach to this consists of the car passenger asking the pedestrian for directions and then screaming complete jibberish at them while the pedestrian stands there in complete confusion.

Car on 101 sesh pulls up next to walking pedestrian

Car Passenger: Um, excuse me.
Pedestrian: Yes?
Car Passenger: Do you know how to get to the nearest rewuhrewuhrweuhwre? (while screaming)

by Gingervitus08 June 28, 2011

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