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Yubin Shin

Yubin Shin is a pretty girl, She as friends named Eunice, Chloe, And evelyn they are nice and pretty, Yubin shin is very nice, she breaks peoples knee caps with her shin, she is very dangerous, but very nice she has a friend named Ashely who smacks u on the bacc so hard u scream in agony during middle school recess

Yubin Shin Please don't break my kneecaps!

by FuriousWarrior58 September 24, 2021

Pizza Shins

The appearance of one's legs, having fallen from a skateboard or bike onto tarmac, whilst wearing shorts.

"Dude, what happened to your legs?!"
"I tried for maximum air on a 720 but flipped out and ended up with pizza shins."

by Debagio September 10, 2022

Shin fuck

When you are having sex then your shins Touch

I shin fucked Karen last night

by Molly monkey November 24, 2019

Shin dig

A party which on the other side you find the quaker in the room take a serrated blade and you cut their shins open and I hope that you obtain Their leg quakes for yourself

Mike I was there Mike I was there at a shin dig they took my leg quakes on the other side I swear I have this horrible scars and they won’t scathe

by Pussyliquer September 24, 2021

shin a pike

A misspelled version of send a pic

Shin a pike


Send a pic


by Mckinzea06 April 4, 2018

Shins disease

Shins disease is another term for a completely monstrous hangover off strictly bud lites.

“Yeah I was down the shore last night slamming thirty or forty bud lites with the fam and I woke up this with the absolute WORST case of shins disease

by Cussyprusher69 October 22, 2019

Shins disease

Shins disease is another term for a completely monstrous hangover after getting absolutely destroyed off bud lite.

“Yeah I was in wildwood with my fam slamming bud lites last night and I just woke up with the WORST case of shins disease

by Cussyprusher69 October 22, 2019