When every time you try to get together with someone and they tell you they are busy. They’re never available.
He’s getting the busy signal from that girl he met last week.
They’re getting the busy signal from their son.
The act of signalling exclusivity or secrecy, even when there’s no substantial reason. It mimics in-group dynamics to create a heightened sense of importance, often leaving outsiders feeling excluded, even when the content is trivial.
Super-signalling can be thought of as a kind of unintentional gaslighting. The term comes from the 1938 play Gas Light, where a man drives his wife to the brink of insanity by gradually dimming the lights in their apartment while pretending that nothing has changed.
Super-signalling operates similarly, although more subtly. There’s really nothing there, yet our very human Fear Of Missing Out is triggered. While gaslighting is deliberate, super-signalling is often unconscious—those engaging in it are likely unaware of the (super) signals they’re transmitting.
The behaviour is rampant on social media. Vague status updates, cryptic tweets, or ‘stories’ that hint at something significant without revealing any details are the digital equivalent of those whispered huddles. They tap into our instinct to belong, leaving us wondering what we’ve missed.
The same is true for airy corporate slides with conspicuous stamps of saying “CONFIDENTIAL,” when it’s apparent that they contain little of substance.
Or scientific presentations where heavy smoke screens of technical jargon obscure the fact that the subject being studied is actually quite inconsequential.
As Gertrude Stein once quipped: “There’s no there there.”
you cross your ring finger over your middle finger
resembles the ''up yours''
man he was obsessed! he kept showing off west coast signals!
College degree that doesn't teach anything useful expect that it signals to employers that the holder of said degree is not an idiot.
BA Econ is a signaling degree. If you get good grades at a decent school you send a signal that you're hard working and smart. That's about it.
It is when you somehow manage to turn off wireless capability while surfing the internet on a laptop. Then you go around frantically checking all wires to make sure they're connected. Hours later you realize, after searching that you had pressed the button that is placed so far on the keyboard you don't understand how it got pressed.
I was so scared that my internet was cut off that I trouble shooted for hours. Then I looked to see that wireless capability was turned off.
I was glad it was just a signal frantic.
When a person (usually a female) who is stuck up/snobby is encountered by a person that they don’t want around them for any reason (not attracted to/annoying/etc.) And the person is bothered by them, and she/he begins “Simp Signaling” the nearest Simp closest to them for help, even if their plea for help is unnecessary, and is usually resolves by telling the bothering person to go away, but instead decides to involve a Signaled Simp to resolve the situation with the unwanted person. “Leave her alone man! She doesn’t like you!!.”
The preppy cheerleader chick was Simp Signaling one of the party simps to tell the brave band geek who was indirectly invited to the party to leave her alone, because he tried to flirt with her.
When you are trying to get the attention of a girl but she barely acknowledges you.
Joe: Hey April whats up?
April: Whatever.
Joe: Why do you always give me a raw signal?