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Tea sis

A way to ask for tea or a way to say that was shady

Bella can you please give me the tea sis

by Give me some good tea April 11, 2019

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Passport Sis

Like a "Passport Bro" but female version.

"She married an Alpha overseas and now she's barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. She's a total Passport Sis!"

by barefootandpregnant September 13, 2023

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k sis

saying k sis basically means fuck off or just a bitchy way to piss someone off

grotty bitch: omg I love your hair

me: k sis

by fuckoff.com.au January 11, 2019

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Lil Sis

A woman short in stature but large in attitude, usually known for her abusive nature of grease monkeys.

There goes Lil Sis to the repair shop, man I am glad I don't work there.

by Showking66 July 21, 2017

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Tactical SI

Tac-tic-al -ess-eye

SI is short for 'sick'

If you are tactically sick, you are sick on purpose.

This act was common with the Romans, where they ate a meal, and then threw-up, in order to eat more food.

Nowadays this act is more common in drinking games, where someone is sick to allow more alcohol consumption.

"I needed to Tactical SI to finish that last round up"

by Steven Garfirth August 24, 2008

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Ako si LV

"Ako si LV" is a tagline of Victor Martin Soriano. World Intellectal Property Rights Registration: IPO-PHIL 4-2020-4452. It means "I am LV" in English. First-use policy in the United States or where applicable.

"Ako si LV" is a tagline of a registered Trademark. Philippines IPO-PHIL 4-2020-4452 under Victor Martin Soriano. First-use policy in the United States or where applicable.

by Cyclone Trading March 29, 2021

Fuck it up sis

something you say to hype up your pal.

My friend Daquania looked hot so I said โ€œfuck it up sisโ€

by dickslayer6969 December 27, 2017