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A person who is apart of the Special Education program provided by the education system. This person often has a mental disability that constitutes to them being mentally inept.

A visual example of this is Elias Sørheim Lillefosse

Elias is a sped

by EliasLillefosse November 7, 2022


A person of special education/ Vidya Gilley

Did you forget that your password was just your name you fucking sped, omg vidya

by TheActualGoat October 15, 2018


A derogatory term which is used on a person in the special education program in other words, they are a fucking gay retard.

*Bryce Evans* does something stupid
Me: Wow Bryce Evans is such a sped.

by yungestjoka89 June 26, 2023


Somebody who is dumb

Evryone loves him but he low key SPED

by YOASSTANK November 29, 2023


QT a short girl at 4'7

QT: omg im so tall im 7ft
Litterally anyone: ur so short what do you mean you sped

by kekew June 4, 2020


Special educationv

Doug’s a sped

by Maggie5 January 13, 2019


A kid who is is a Special Ed class. The usually make autistic ass noises and like trains.

Wow that kid is so Sped

by Sped Activity February 8, 2024