Something you say when you see someone you hate so much that you would kill them in the purge
Person 1: Dude look it's Olivia
Person 2: Ew purge status
When you have such a great moment that you have to post a status on facebook instead of twitter.
Fernando: Bomb, I just got an A on my test!
Alejandro: Cool bro, you should tweet "Just got an A on my test #intelligence"
Fernando: Nah, this is too cool for twitter. It's status worthy
The act of holding your cell phone up above your head to get better reception. While doing so, one looks like they are holding the torch as Lady Liberty does.
If you perform the Statue of Cellberty in the basement office, you may be able to send that important text
1)changing ur status every 5 mins to tell the whole world how ur work, ur day and pet fish is.
2)status obsessioning occurs most to pmsy woman (or even guys) who change their status every 1 mintue according to their mood.
3)spending ur day looking 4 kwl things 2 write 4 a status and whenever a new thought occurs u think about writing it on a stauts, then decide its too lame
4)writing really random song quotes on statuses and confusing the hell outta people
status obsessioning:
1) off to work... (5 min later) hey thats a kwl looking tree...(5min later)... i wonder was time it is...
2)i hate that !@#$ boy!! (1 min later) baby im sorry... (1 min later) whatever, i dont wana c u again (1 min later) pleeese take me bak!!!
3)mmm.. that shakespeare quote is kwl... but na, people wont like it... hey i know wat i could write.... naaa... i wonder if people will think if writing about my friends is kwl..
4)**yea yea doo bi doo bi tra la la la**
In it's simplest term: a male who is significantly bigger and taller when compared to normal men. Most males that qualify for "ogre status" (also abbreviated as ogre) hail from Scandinavian, Central and Northern European roots. Generally to be ogre status, you must be at least 6'4" and weigh 260+ lbs. It should be noted that "ogre status" generally doesn't denote being overweight, rather they are more commonly composed of inherit muscle and a large skeletal frame.
Often the term ogre status is applied to describe an act which proves dominance over another person.
Word of warning: Don't fuck with someone that is ogre status.
That motherfucker is straight up ogre status, I heard he tore that bitch in two pieces and blew hookerbacon all over her face.
The act of posting a vague, attention seeking update on your social network profile that requires other users to inquire about your status.
John: "That girl Ashley posts nothing but leading status updates. Today's was, 'Why do things like this always happen to me?'"
Pete: "Things like what?"
John: "No one knows, she's trying to lead you into feeling bad for her and comment on her update."
A fat women so fat fat fat you can't tell shes pregnant from all the fat.
Guy 1: Yo, did you hear about Bertha?
Guy 2: No man what's up?
Guy 1: Shes Preggo dude.
Guy 2: Holy shit dude, I cant ever tell. She's gone Decepticon Status.