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not a real word, Jacob like totally made it up

there are no examples of steez because it's not real

by M Teacher and Leo November 3, 2021


When someone is to cool that they show it off to everyone.

That dude is steezing it up!

by JogLiver August 23, 2017


Short for the word Steelo , simply meaning style. It was a common street term used in the Los Angeles area starting from the mid to late 90's.

Commonly misconceived and used by modern generations as with many words.

Yo dawg, that LRG hoodie is totally my steez.

(ME) Damn homie, did you see that Latina with those sexy lips and cute face? (Friend) yeah bruh, that's my steez. Fo sho!

by NaturallyCali March 25, 2018


A puerto rican born in florida.

Yo josh what are you?
Im a steez Jay

by floridon September 29, 2019


Combination of style of eaze

Your Killing My Steez

by AssEater99 December 19, 2014


1- a good dresser (clothes wise)
2- to roast/flame someone

1- *Jacob walks in with fresh outfit on*
"Ayeee! Jacob be looking steezy. We got a new Steez God."
2- "Hey. Macy has been steezing on everybody. She been eating ice bruh."

by Roast God March 30, 2016


The characteristic that all players on the Cardinal Gibbons golf team have; The characteristic that players not on the Cardinal Gibbons golf team are afraid of.

-"Did you see that Gibbons team?"
- "Yeah man, that steez...it's making me nervous."
-"If only our team had that steez."

by bawsboi27 October 5, 2012