Two horny little bastards who like to fuck
Those guys are cute there real Zack and chases
This word was originated by my fellow niggers and i. And its used to have something, or on something.
Dang my nigga you got that zack, Damn you zacked up right now
The act of taking a shit in a grocery store after taking all your clothes off.
Bro Im totally taking a Zack after my break.
A god like figure who gets all the ladies just by sayin’ “ hey guys I farted”
Girl: look at that guy over there he is so hot
Zack Cawley”Hey guys I farted”
Zack Mongon is a type of individual that seeks to find new ways to be a weird but sexy individual. He/she is a beautiful being that sucks at black ops and can't see for shit. He/she is a oddball but really gets the girls in slick ways, generally girls with the name of Eliana will be attracted to him.
Yo that boy Zack Mongon is so slick with that big brain Elaina man..
zacks peca is tiny