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Foaming mochachino

When a girl sucks out an anal creampie and proceeds to blow another guy with her mouth full of the shit stained cum leaving a bubbly brown coated shaft that looks like a mochachino

Man Jenny was a total slut with me and Joe last night. She left hot Foaming Mochachino on his dick and over her face.

by sir crank alot December 17, 2019

Foam Bags

Lactating breasts

Wow I haven't breast fed in forever... my foam bags are about to explode.

by blondegirl89 February 12, 2013


When one drinks beer too fast and spits up a bunch of beer foam.

Dude, I just chugged two beers back to back and foam-up'd everywhere.

by Nüg October 30, 2020


Penetrating with no resistance.

I'm terribly afraid of Dentist but Oral hygiene is important. Therefore I use an anti-cavity, fluoride toothpaste with MICRO-FOAMING ACTION.

by Danese La Johnson June 5, 2023

foam party

when you cum on her clit and she rubs it and it gets all foamy

i’m about to cum let’s make it a foam party

by nelly6969420haha May 20, 2023

foam bucket

A butt that was created/shaped/enlarged with implants.

I know it may be fake, but that's still one fine foam bucket I'd like to tear up.

by Finalfantasy67 February 26, 2024

Foam Deposit

The insertion of insulating foam inside one's anus during intercourse, also known as Peanut Packing.

Kevan: yeah gave eduardo a foam deposit last night

by fatrick mcdonuts November 28, 2021