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Hurricane Flurry

The Act of pushing another guy, while he is urinating, and causing him to get piss all over himself and making him miss.

Coach: Jonny what is that all over your shorts?
Jonny: I was in the Bathroom and Zack gave me a Hurricane Flurry so now i have piss all over me.

by simpsonstyle819 June 16, 2009

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Vaginal Hurricane

A female ejaculation (squirt) that lasts for 10 seconds or more.

Dude, that chick's vaginal hurricane could've blasted New Orleans off the map

by Mattaba June 5, 2011

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Hurricane, WV

Town along route 64 in West Virgina. High school Sports Alumni are the Hurricane Redskins.

West Virginia Route 34
Length: 51.0 mi1 (82.1 km)
South end WV-3.svg WV 3 near Hamlin
Major junctions: US 60 near Hurricane

I-64 near Hurricane
US 35 from Scott Depot to Winfield
WV 817 near Winfield
North end: I-77 in Kenna
Counties: Lincoln, Putnam, Jackson

Hurricane, WV has a mural on the outside of their local fire station that was worth looking up. The painting's of downtown out side the soda shop from a down the sidewalk look at the town.

by PaintingBy:WolfDreamer1112 February 9, 2010

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Hurricane Katrina

The conspiracy that was set up by Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River to take back the area between them-New Orleans. Their mortal enemy were the New Orleans levees, which had restricted their area for more than 300 years. The two bribed the Atlantic Ocean to throw a powerful hurricane at the City That Care Forgot. When conditions where right-Republicans in control and global warming rampart, Atlantia threw a powerful hurricane at the Gulf of Mexico. The child was christened Katrina. Unfortunately, Katrina got drunk and killed 10 people in Florida. Then, Katrina sobered up and headed towards New Orleans as a Category 4. It cause hell in NO, but the levees suffered the most and flooded New Orleans, killing 1,500+ people. Unfortunately, all the water was sucked out of New Orleans and now it's just a third world hellhole.

Mississippi and Ponty's plan failed when Hurricane Katrina was

by kyem2010 October 15, 2005

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hurricane sandy

An especially loud, wet, messy BJ with lot's of moist heavy air breathing and throaty sounds

Having won the bet, I knew I was going to get blown, but didn't know she was bringing the full hurricane sandy...

by sandy_survivor November 1, 2012

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Hurricane Season

A state of extreme intoxication stemming from copious use of cannabis that may last from anywhere from several hours to multiple decades depending on the severity (force) of the season.

sourced from the 2008 motion picture "Pineapple Express".

"Hey friend, if you think that you are high now, just wait, because hurricane season has only begun."

"I thought hurricane season was ovah!" --James Franco (Pineapple Express)

by chicagobowlz August 15, 2010

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Hurricane Fans

Fans of The University of Miami. While there is a small percentage of knowlegable and respetable fans the average Canes fan is an ignorant, uneducated loser who lives in South Florida. 95% of Canes fans never went to The University of Miami let alone even know where the campus is. The average Canes fan doesnt know more than 5 players on the team and doesnt have an open mind about college football. White, Black or Spanish Canes fans are some of the most despicable scUM in Dade and Broward counties. Hurricanes fans are all paranoid and beleive that the BCS and National Sports writers are against them. Canes fans do not sell out their stadium ( Orange Bowl or Landshark Stadium ) unless a top rated team or Rival are playing the Canes that week.

Stupid fucking Hurricane Fans are always running their mouths. Do they not know they havent won a division title since leaving the Big Least Conference . What a joke thier all stuck in the 80's and are in denial that UM will never be what it was.

by Coach Boris Ramnovitch July 11, 2009

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