Source Code

Rice's Law

Rice's Law is the theory that anything that can go right will go right. It is the diametric opposite to Murphy's Law. Murphy's Law Fanagle's Law Sod's Law

See I told you we would finish before the deadline for Rice's Law is in full effect. Murphy's Law Fanagle's Law Sod's Law

by Bill Browne February 28, 2015

Ramy's Law

Ramy's Law dictates that the most ridiculous odds of triumph will overcome the most painfully obvious vast circumtstance off defeatl quicker than two jiggles of a jack rabbits ass.

"I was up by 20 points, but Ramy's Law states that 3 turn-overs, 8 passes, and 4 onside kicks in under 30 seconds would make me lose...."

by gordo2dope November 16, 2004

NQ's Law

If there are two or more ways to develop an idea, NQ will take the worst possible approach

Dual universe failed due to NQ's Law

by Tester90901 October 28, 2022

Slam Law

A contract that binds two individuals to have sex at least one more time in the future.

My husband cheated on me with his ex girlfriend from college and I tried arguing the case in court but unfortunately he was bound by Slam Law.

by Captain Gnarly July 21, 2011

Jerrod's Law

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability Ron Paul being mentioned approaches one.

Hey look, Jerrod's Law was proven by the third post in that thread about the politics of cheese sandwiches; he said that Ron Paul finds cheese sandwiches to be unconstitutional.

by DJ Jazzy Jizzle October 28, 2007

LaBarbera's Law

The more rabidly anti-gay and "Christian" a commenter considers himself, the higher the likelihood that he or she will resort to describing vulgar sexual acts supposedly performed by GLBT people in an attempt to vilify them. Usually affirmed when an actual GLBT person is grossed out by the rhetoric.

Named for Peter ("Porno Pete") LaBarbera, founder of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, a "Christian" organization whose sole purpose is to oppose every measure that might lead to GLBT people being considered human beings. LaBarbera lends his name to this law specifically through his "hobby" of attending leather and BDSM conventions, camera in hand, for "research purposes", and also because he mentions corprophilia at every opportunity.

Wingnut: "Homosexuals have sexual intercourse with, lick, suck and eat human shit."

GLBT Person: "Ew, what the fuck? LaBarbera's Law, much?"

by Baldran August 25, 2010

dat law

A gettological phrase said from one brotha to anotha brotha who spittin facts so hard they begin to resemble legislation.

Brotha: “Bruhhhh , I ain’t need no hoe... But I sure could use a pair of trusty pliers to trim that darn hedge in my front yard.”

Anotha: “Dat law.”

by Gettological Scholar July 9, 2021