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Walnut Dust

The shimmery powder like form of semen once dried on defined abdominal muscles.

When semen has been ejaculated onto either partners torso and subsequently dried out on the defined abdominals (Walnuts) particularly after two torsos have smudged it between them, it then dries to a shimmery powdered dust like consistency.

His Walnut Dust caught her eye as it shimmered in the dim bedroom light.

by November 22, 2022

The Walnuts

A group that is on Tik Tok. A cult that will take over.

The Walnuts will rise!

by Wally The Wallnut May 15, 2020

Pauly Walnuts syndrome

a disorder arising when an aging bachelor spends too much time alone and ends up being chatty to the point of annoyance.

I wish Uncle Schlomo would get laid already... every time I see him, it takes a half hour to extract myself...
he's got a bad case of Pauly Walnuts Syndrome!

by TaurusDude999 December 27, 2023

Walnut blast

An incredible amount of nutty flavored semen.

I'm from Jersey, wanna walnut blast my engine bay like a bunch of Christian Brothers?

by WalnutBlaster July 14, 2021

Pocket Walnut

When you but so hard it tears a hole in your pants and fills your pocket

Boug pocket walnuted after 10 seconds.

by Shaggy babe January 24, 2016

Walnut Hills High School

If gentrification was a school, WHHS would be that school. Seriously, kids commute from the suburbs and other states to go to this wack ass school. Most white school out of all of CPS High schools. American public high school on crack. If you can even call it public because somehow the school pulled millions of dollars out of its ass to build the Arts and Sciences Building. During exam season the bathrooms are filled with students crying and sleeping. It’s apparently like in the top 150 in the country but that’s just because it cherry-picks its students with an admission test. Kids either care way too much or forget school even matters. You get kicked out for failing 3 or more classes. Lots of drugs and cliques.

Person A: Walnut Hills High School is the best school in the state, and offers a rigorous college prep curriculum. I’m definitely going to send my 6th grader there next year.

Person B: Don’t even think about it. You’ll be lucky if your kid makes it out of three years of that place alive.

by downinohioswaginohio November 5, 2022

Walnut on New Year's Eve

The most beautiful the absolute perfection. Even if they think they are flawed they are only more beautiful to you. Someone put into your life someone you want to keep around

Oh my gosh she is a walnut on New Year's Eve!

No way you are insane how did you find one??

by Olivier.C November 9, 2016