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someone who is capable of ruining a perfectly good evening my doing one simple thing that pisses everyone else in the group off.

i cant believe he just did that. he is acting like a complete tool right now.

by mr. tool June 18, 2006

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A person who has a big head but not much to show for it. Kind of an asshole, but sometimes loveable at the same time. Cocky and pretentious, althouh they pretend not to be. Can occasionally be used as a term of endearment.

Paul McCartney
Emeril Lagasse
Yoko Ono
Bono (megatool)

God,andrew, you are such a freaking tool. Stop talking.
Hello, tool face! Where have you been? I miss you!

by Julia Marino May 10, 2006

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Being a tool is generally related to an inability to think freely of outside influence; the tool enjoys MTV and 24 hour news channels, listens to pop music, blindly idolizes others (usually celebrities/musicians/politicians), and will often pick up trendy interests or habits just because they have suddenly noticed their peers doing it.

The poser is almost always a breed of tool, as posing often comes as the result of a current fad that followers want in on, or failing that, the poser is simply trying to be something that they (and most everyone else) can clearly see to the contrary.

The tool may also be someone who is easily taken advantage of by others on a personal or social level, even those they are not closely associated with. Common uses of the tool by others include money, rides, drugs and alcohol, etc...

If you cannot tell who the tool is or why in each of the following scenarios, it is likely that you are one yourself.

Girl: Honey, can we stop at a news stand really quick? I need a copy of People.
Guy: Why do you need People Magazine? It's just a collection of clothing and TV ads and pictures of famous people.
Girl: I need to read the latest dirt on Tom Cruise!


Mall Metal Kid: Man, I love metal so much!
Metal fan: Me too, who have you been listening to lately?
MMK: Oh, you know, Trivium, Slipknot, Bullet for My Valentine... Really heavy shit.
Metal fan: Matt Heafy is kind of lame. Not a very good guitarist.
MMK: Who?
Metal fan: Matt Heafy. The guitarist from Trivium. He's also the singer.
MMK: Oh. I knew that.


Guy: Hello?
Girl: HEY! What's up?
Guy: Oh, hi! It's been a long time... Like at least a month or two.
Girl: Yeah, I know... Wanna hang out?
Guy: Sure.
Girl: Can you come pick me up?
Guy: Alright, I'm on my way.

=20 minutes later=

Guy: Hey, hop in.
Girl: Sure. *pause* Wanna go to the mall? I wanted to look for something.
Guy: Uhhhh... Ok!

by MeaninglessSoubriquet July 25, 2008

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* Typically shops at Buckle
* Thinks he is Gods gift to Women
* Male
* Wears be-dazzled shirts and expensive jeans
* Gets his eyebrows threaded or waxed

You will know the tool when you see him....he has an Affliction shirt on.

by mewtf June 5, 2010

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Someone who continuesly gets used by a person or multiple people.

kid #1 Hey can you pick me up even though i am over an hour away.

tool kid:Yea no problem I will be right there.

Kid #2 Dude that kid is a fucking tool of course he will pick us up.

by Niglit June 18, 2006

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1) Someone who is SOO stupid they dont know they are getting used

2) Someone who is only good for using. Dylan


Jack: u suck nuts tool

by Thundrstryke September 5, 2006

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1. An individual of such limited mental capacity that he fails to understand subtly communicated messages pertaining to his gross mental and physical inadequacy, and therefore, deserves to be mocked by general society for his unfounded grandeur.

2. A male, humorously rejected by a female over ten years his junior, who resorts to what could only be considered text message stalking in an asinine effort to preserve dignity. These individuals typically possess inadequate β€œphysical features” and show early signs of male pattern baldness. Furthermore, these individuals can be readily identified on MySpace and Facebook friends lists as they are the awkward looking β€œold guy” amongst a series of college co-eds.

God, this TOOL keeps text messaging! When will he get the hint that I think he is a douche? Oh look, he is calling someone else a TOOL. What irony!

by gtg110b December 3, 2007

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