A store to buy clothing that is some what high priced but on occasion can be found to be somewhat cheap on certain items mostly accesories and other baubles and trinkits. the craze swept the nation though that as long as you were clothes from there you are infact a goth or a punk this in its essence is a poser statement and is demagraphicaly inaccurate because more than one prep or jock has shopped there and it wont be the last one so lay off of the store or ill go down and make fun of your starbucks coffee for being a "propaganda" it is a store that sells clothes nothing more it is not instant goth-ness or instant punk-ness
Prep: ya ive recently been getting into greenday so im gonna go down there and buy that tee i saw at hot topic
Idiot prep: oooooh u mean that goth store across from spencers!
prep: no that place that sells the greenday tee.
poser:ya i shop there all the time because its black
*idiot the colour its self shouldnt be a reason or turn off to shop at a place unless your anniplectic and go into spasms in a dark room then its ok.
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A brand we don't have here.
A place I wanna go to buy a couple of stuff. No, not to be punk, but because i LIKE THEM.
Whatever you buy... someone else, somewhere else would have it. unless you made it yourself with cloth you got in a third worl country... no, you are not different from everybody else. period
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fairly expensive store which sells things like spikes, stickers, and stuff like that. fairly good if you're into that stuff. place where preps can go and act punk, where punks can go and get poser-punk stuff, and where others can go and get whatever because they don't really care, they just like it. it's possible. honest
"y'know that place hot topic? it's such an avril lavigne store!" "well...yeah. avril DOES shop there. but does that make it a poser store, even if she is one?" "yeah." "idiot."
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An expensive store that sells clothing featuring mainstream bands and cartoon characters.
Sale at Hot Topic! Sweatshirts are only $50 dollars today! Whoo-hoo!
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a store popular with the punk/goth scene.It's often reffered to as a "poser store" by many despite the fact that not everyone that shops there really is a poser.Think about it.There aren't many stores out there that targets the punk/goth scene so anyone calling it a "poserfest" give it a rest.HotTopic is not for everyone.
she shops at HotTopic!What a poser!
I shop at Hot Topic occasionally and I really don't care if people think it's for posers.I wear what I like.
I don't like Hot Topic.It's not my style.
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A company that I own stock in and made tons of money off because the stock has split several times since I bought it. I'd like to thank all the 16 year olds who shop there. When I take my next vacation, and I'm reclining in the first class cabin, I'll propose a toast just for you.
Look, Hot Topic's stock split again. Let's sell some of it and go someplace exotic!
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A store that has a bunch of stupid crap ranging from pentagrams to hello kitty T-Shirts. Some stuff in it looks good, but its really expensive, and you could probably make the same clothes yourself and save 55$. Some stuff in Hot Topic makes you simply look retarded. If you have down syndrome, smash some Invader Zim perfume in your eyes and toss on a Spongebob T-shirt from this place and you'll easily be identified as mentally retarded.
This store is the equivalent to Ambercrombie, Hollister, all that crap but all the clothes are just dyed black with some chains thrown on them and, to finish it off, a bands name and picture slapped on.
If you want a cheaper version of these clothes, go to any cheap clothing store, really cheap, just find clothing that you like the feel and look of. Fuck whatever company it was made by, buy it so long as it's cheap. Next, examine whatever retarded ass piece of clothing you want from Hot Topic. You want chains? Go get some chains, shouldn't be too expensive. You want black? Get some clothing dye (or if you were smart while getting the clothes, you already got a relatively close color). Want a picture on it? Find a place that will do just that, put a picture on it.
Holy shit! You just saved, and this is nearly a shot in the dark, 30-40$! Wow!
I just went to Hot Topic and spent my entire paycheck for this week on 3 things.
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