A train in which it is too quiet to talk on your phone incase you disturb the peace, so you have to send a text.
Damn! i can't talk am on a Church Train.
When people on forums keep quoting someone who quoted another person who quoted another person...
Post 1 Ted: Hello there
Post 2 Sam: Ted wrote {Hello there}
Post 3 Bob: Sam wrote {Ted wrote {Hello there}}
Post 4 Larry: Bob wrote {Sam wrote {Ted wrote {Hello there}}}
Post 5 Anon: Awww, screw this. I'm derailing this quote train.
The state of having effectively spent enough time on the popular site, YouTube, in order to learn or acquire an idea of how to attempt some sort of skill.
1)The skill may have not been "learned," but the person may still feel that they can do it.
2)The skill may have actually been
mastered due to hours and hours of practicing and YouTubing
Me: No, seriously? You don't know how.
Friend: MAN come one! I saw it on youtube, duh. It's SO easy.
Me: You're Tube-Trained eh? Ready to jump off that building right over there?
Friend: HELL YEAH. Then we can breakdance.
When you go to youtube to watch one video and find yourself watching related videos and then watch related videos of the related videos.
I have spent the last hour on a youtube train and all I went on for was a music video.
The act of simultaneously stimulating the anus and the penis by means of rubber dildo and rubber pocket pussy.
Jake: hey man what are you up to?
Ben: nawww man not much just got off the rubber train in my shower.
A Dutch Train has absolutely nothing to do with the Dutch. A Dutch Train is similar to a human centipede except for each person ( all male ) is connected by anal penetration. The minimum of participants is ten, but there is no maximum number of men that can join a Dutch Train. In other words, a Dutch Train is a sexy conga line.
"Hey, Mark, wanna join our Dutch Train?"
"Choo choo! All aboard the Dutch Train!"