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Truck Driving

Wearing dress or non-athletic socks with athletic shoes usually black mid calf socks and shorts.

I am embarrassed since my father is always truck driving when he comes to watch me play soccer on a hot day

by Breaking dancing on cardboard July 14, 2019

Chicken trucking

When someone farts a silent sickening fart, and others are walking by or behind them. These people trapped in the gas cloud proceed to gag and possibly vomit. The scent is similar to getting behind a chicken truck on the road while driving.

Student 1 : β€œMan I was walking behind Coach and he chicken trucked everyone in the hall. I think I saw a student vomiting.”
Student 2: β€œYeah he sure loves Chicken trucking us poor helpless students!”

by DaddysBelt May 14, 2020

Trap truck

An ice cream truck that sells ice cream during the day and drugs at night

Bro I saw a trap truck last night disguised as an ice cream truck

by grammarqueen95 April 12, 2015

dump trucking

having yourself and five of your closest buddies shit in somebody's toilette without flushing. That way the shitter will not flush and someone will have to scoop out the shit so that the toilet will flush again.

"Hey bro! We went Dump trucking at Ted's house, he had to scoop out the shit with a spoon."

by Uncle Shep January 23, 2008

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Truck rice

When a pickup truck (of any make or style) has characteristics of a ricer. Such as clear tail lights/headlights. Tons of gaudy chrome. Overly tinted windows. Giant-ass exhaust tips (diesels). Or stickers.

Did you see that gay Ford?
It had clear taillights, projector headlights, ridiculous amounts of chrome, 5% tint on all the windows and sewer pipe exhaust. It also said FORD on the back windows and POWERSTROKE on the windshield.
Total Truck Rice.

by Sawyer318 September 14, 2010

39πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

poop truck

a car, particularly a truck (suburban, etc.), covered in a poop-like substance resembling that of dust, sand, tar, mud, or dirt.

We were walking down the street in Canada and I saw a car covered in dusty dirt! I then decided to write "Poop Truck" on the window with my finger!

by missingno. February 24, 2009

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Truck Muffler

An anal Whore, or someone who sleeps with random people and enjoys chodes.

I dumped my girlfriend when I found out she was just a Dirty Truck Muffler.

by Whalesdude October 22, 2007

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