Yup. Bow down and suck it, b!tch
I’m better than 99.9% of all other UrbanDictionary users out there.
1👍 6👎
Some serious shit. Like really serious.
Person 1: My urbandictionary definition got rejected.
Person 2: How in the fuck did you get a rejected urbandictionary word!?
Person 3: What was even in it?
Person 4: 6!
Person 5: HELP ME!
Person 4: 5! NO!
Person 1: Racial slurs, it had racial slurs.
Person 2: Why the fuck would you submit that!?
Person 1: Because it's urbandictionary! Their guidlines mean less than I do to society!
Person 3: He has a point.
Person 2: Don't defend him.
Person 6: 4! HELP!
Person 4: HELP ME!
Person 1: Will you shut the fuck up!?
They are just searching for upvotes. They're emotional manipulators and just make people with such names feel good about themselves.
Anna: Oh my god, urban dictionary says i'm beautiful!
Me: That's not true, the people who make definitions of names on urbandictionary want you to feel happy so you can upvote their definition. It's an emotional manipulation.
Anna: Oh... that's fucked up!
You looked this up for no reason.
Its a place where people only post weird sexual things.
chr 1: I was looking at urbandictionary today.
Chr 2: oo! What did you find?
Chr1: well, I searched up coin, and apparently, its a way to make out.
Chr 2: oh..? (Looks it up)
Better not lol.
Urban Dictionary without the space.
*in a group chat*
Tim: I love urbandictionary
Jon: You mean Urban Dictionary?
A website that used to tolerate unconventional definitions and be open to sharing other people's ideas and lexicon.
Since then has gone downhill because it either has to decline millions of definitions that don't appear to be worthy one day of future incorporation into the Library of Congress. That reminds me, I should try the LoC.
What is urbandictionary? A website that might help with urban slang.
Best dictionary in the universe
UrbanDictionary is the only dictionary I know