Source Code

it's what my character would do

The phrase most often spoken after someone commits something outrageous or uncalled for with their RPG character, usually in Dungeons and Dragons.

Karl: "I stab Tim's character."
Tim: "Hey, what the hell man, they've barely spoken!"
Karl: "It's what my character would do."

by TheGaardenator December 2, 2019

What would Fifty Cent do

A question as to choices hypothetically (to be) made by the American Rapper, FIFTY CENT ... if he was in your (stinkin') shoes, OR
if he found himself in a similar jam as you seem to have managed.
By asking, one could be encouraging the other to do the right thing like FIFTY CENT surely would. Confer: "What would Jesus Do?", WWJD?

"WHAT WOULD FIFTY CENT DO wif a bag o' fiddies?"

"Don't do that! WHAT WOULD FIFTY CENT DO if he seen you? I'n tellin' you, he'd smack yo' bitch up!"

by Cholito (no hate) Hellamongo is love October 16, 2006

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don't tell me what to do

a phrase meant as a joke to dispute pleasantries, that makes your significant other very irritated with you.

1.Boyfriend:Have a good day, babe.
You: don't tell me what to do!

2.BoyFriend: Kiss me baby!
You: don't tell me what to do!

by summerkitten September 15, 2010

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whats that got to do with the price of cheese

a phrase used when somone says somthing that is nothing to do with anything

fred: i just bought a new cd
dave: oh yea what is it
fred: nice weather were havin
dave: whats that got to do with the price of cheese

by dave garnar June 10, 2005

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You know what you doing

"You know what you doing" first appeared in a game for the Sega Genesis called "Zero Wing", along with the phrases All your base are belong to us and You have no chance to survive, make your time.

One uses this phrase to point out that the listener is or the listeners are capable of finishing some task.

Alexander: I'm going to call the guy, and convince him that we are right about this.
9001: You know what you doing!
Alexander: Thanks for the encouragement.

by datniggapimmdechinchilla June 7, 2010

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Don't tell me what to do!

A statement, often said by hypocrites.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Cries out the stereotypical teenager at his parents.
"You dumb fuck!" says his father "You just told ME what to do, You fucking hypocrite!"

Runs after him with a blade and cuts him up to little pieces.
Arrr! Murder, yeah!

by philosophicallydisturbed October 8, 2009

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What is she gonna do????

When some one does something silly, ex: Trips, falls up the steps, etc.

after one makes a fool of themselves u shout What is she gonna do in a dep voice.

**Friend Falls down the steps Eery ones laughing**

U: "What Is dhe gonna do???"
Pointing at friend.

by Miss Jay May 10, 2005

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