A Narb Biscuit is someone who exhibits character qualities in his or her own personal and private life which are indicative of someone who is a complete and absolute noob. So “Nooby” in fact, that they have graduated from being just a noob to being a Narb Biscuit.
Johnny thinks that Fortnite is actually a good video game. What a fucking Narb Biscuit.
(Noun,Plural) Defecation left by any mammalian creature, typically a canine, on a neighborhood lawn. Said droppings then become a gratifying snack to any unsupervised animal on the prowl for a freebie.
Johnny Shatt, unprepared as usual, allowed his Labrador to take a mean shit on the apartment lawn. Five minutes later, the neighborhood stray Chihuahua made a meal of said lawn biscuits. Yummy.
When going down on someone and you eat some of their flatulence. Must feel the air move across your lips for it to count.
Swamp biscuit with gravy: when you have a swamp biscuit that is accompanied by stool loose or formed
"Yo los, I was eating this girl out and she gave me a swamp biscuit."
Los says, "b, did it have gravy?"
B says "naw man no gravy this time maybe next sounds delicious!"
Its Biscuit time
Man say! Its 12:00 p.m on a muthafuckin sunday hoe its Biscuit time! We out! Im tryna be outta' deree. (The time to get fucked up off your drug of choice, but usually a term meant to start drinking.
A pussy fart.
Jaime floated out one hell of a vag biscuit; the odor wasn't great, but the sound caused me to loose my wood pecker.
The precise moment when a player, usual on a first person shooter reaches for a biscuit to their side, thus momentarily leaving their controller and making themselves vulnerable to sniper fire. More predominantly known as the KitKat moment in the UK.
Biscuit Moment: Whilst playing Call Of Duty 4 online, Tim reached for the conveniently placed biscuits to his left only to find once returning that he had been shot in the head by a sniper.
Whilst targeting this guy online I was waiting for the all important KitKat moment before taking appropriate action.
Refridgerated, canned biscuits. After you peel a little bit of the label off, you whomp them on the countertop edge to pop the container open. Hence Whomp Biscuits.
Honey can you cook some whomp biscuits for breakfast? Sure! What brand?
Pillsbury makes the best whomp biscuits in the world.