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cool monkey

A saying for describing someone really cool

Ex. Dude your one cool monkey low key would suck your dick

by Cristian Grey January 9, 2018

just cool your jets

It means to just slow down, control your excitement (see hold your horses)

Just cool your jets, your order will be ready in an hour.

by Spirix August 6, 2014

This Cool

Usually used to explain a specific person, BY that person. Usually used to say to another person to refer to them as inferior as one who is "this cool".

"Oh hi. I'm blah blah blah."
"...You wish you were this cool."

by Cooler Than Thou November 12, 2005

Cool-swishing the backdrop

To allegedly decide to make snarky replies whilst cock blocking at a fancy as hell F-shack type place. O_o.. (i.e party pooping on a large crowd of non party poopers.

Dude1: Yo that dude was funny, he made all the chicks show major nipnip.
Dude2: I know, but The one with the douche pants was horrible.
Dude2: Pssht...totally Cool-swishing the backdrop

by Punching monkeys July 2, 2020

cool now

accepted by the Yee Oldee Vegetables community :) and cool also cool

are you Cool Now?

by deety𖠌 January 6, 2021

<cool guy3

cool guy is the best discord husband ever <33
very sweet, funny, and scary :))

i love <cool guy3

by may <3 September 26, 2021

we can be cool

He said we can be cool

he said we can be cool about our relationship

by black woman tatted May 22, 2024