A day celebrating those who have a problem with everything anyone says or does or has said or done or will say or do.
A date needs to be set and announced for Indignant People's Day however dates thus far suggested have been met with indignation.
Some may prefer a simpler term such as 'ashes' but for those looking for the right term for all the right occasions we encourage you to use 'people powder'
NB - Not to be racked into lines and snorted.....this could be someone's grandmother you sick fuck!
I climbed through an abandoned cottage looking thing the other day where they used to cremate people....I got people powder all over me!
Loves to piss people off
Loves to piss people off
Founded by Jim Jones, A cultist activist and leader, In fear of the Government disbanding the cult, the People's Temple Followers drank poison-laced purple Cool-Aid. Causing a mass-murder suicide in the surrounding area.
The People's Temple has brought bad luck to Jonestown and its' citizens .
Unless they agree with me and then it should entirely dictate what the president does.
Hym "And I think this because I'm a super smart guy and should definitely have a say in other people's lives. You see, you have to ignore the majority of people because... You know, reason."
Extremely stupid people who think positive vibrations are a cure for the pandemic
That group of vibration people think that going out without masks is a good idea as long as you have positive vibrations
is someone who eat humans when they are purple and are a man, they also on come out during night time to eat young women,
OmG there a purple people men eater we better run fast.