The wild sport of naked sumo wrestling and swinging your penis towards other peoples penis's, like sword fighting.
For extra effectiveness, you can slather cream cheese in and around the penis for double points.
"today on 69 sports, we will be playing Gordito Penis"
A male who only focuses on his own pleasure. A neglectful sexual partner.
That man was a penis princess, I wasn’t satisfied once.
when the dick is so crazy good.
Justin's penis on crack scared Selena away.
When a man provides someone or something with his penis because he feels bad for them.
Sarah: Omg, Brandon finally came over and fucked the shit out of me and I only had to call him like 8 times.
Jessica: Pretty sure Brandon hit you with the pity penis.
1: The act of putting a plastic baby doll’s pp in your vagina
2: when your being super Whiney and bossy
1: I just used a penis baby and I now feel like a pedo
2: bro quit being a penis baby
also known as a Cup it is inserted into a jock strap, undies or something similar to protect the genitals
When playing sports with fast moving objects that may hit you in the genitals like Ice Hockey, Cricket, Lacrosse you may consider using a Penis Protector be male or female.
thanos penis uh uh uh daddy fuck me boxed like fish kid
thanos penis got boxed like fish