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one word has many meanings, but mostly for describing small dense objects, can be paired with an adjective or another word to describe what object you're reffering

"Boy look at this chunky metal nugget"

-The sentence above refers to a hand sized digital object

"These chicken nuggets are delicious"
-The sentence above refers to the food nugget

"Oh god it's a nerf metal nugget"
-Refers to a nerf themed digital object

"So many gold nuggets"
-Refers to a small gold chunk

by ZachPoltergeist January 31, 2023


A type of cool person that is cool pretty cool ngl

-Hi nugget you´re cool
-Nugget:Thanks Beep

by Spoopygamerpro June 8, 2021


Nugget can be used in 2 ways:
Either it is a person without limbs (Arms and legs), or it can be used to describe the food we all know and love.

Damn, these chiken nuggets taste good.
Damn, you may be a nugget but you still taste good.

by FosmanFTW June 24, 2019


Scottish slang for being something between a dafty and a loon.

A common nickname for people with a Mc(something ) second name.

That boys a nugget.

by DaveyNugget December 22, 2019


Small pieces of shit that look like little cats poos, usually have fell down the leg of someone doing a bad job of holding in a shit.

Nicky "Hey Andy have those nuggets fell out the bottom of your trousers, or is it a cat poo?"
Andy "That's just the cats poo"
Nicky "OK... but, we don't have a cat....."

by The Evil Dorito November 12, 2015


A person who is small, fat and stubby, typically mothers, who steel candy from their kid

Stop you nugget, your such a tegga

by Nugget:( February 2, 2019


A vile creature of the night. He was dumped and left alone and doesn’t knew any bettew

He’s such a Nugget

by Jennifer Dayton April 2, 2022