Wen you call a random people number and do prank calls.
"Stop playin on the phone boy."
Don't play on the phone, they might have Caller ID.
The act of have a three-way with your Colombian girlfriends dad.
Dude, my girlfriend invited me over to play monopoly, but when I got there he was naked
If someone is trying to make you feel sorry for them, especially with the intentions of getting something from you, they are “playing with your heart strings”.
My buddy must be broke again; he called me “playing on my heart strings”. That’s his favorite way to get money without even asking.
Who is using Czechoslovakia as a cover?
Who is playing Czechoslovakia?
Is it you America? Or could it be you!
2👍 4👎
When a series on YouTube becomes more about the personality of the person making it than the purpose of the video.
Ex. When a let’s-play stops being about the gameplay
“Jacksepticeye videos are in the let’s-play zone for me.”
Someone that is not awkward but for reasons better known to themselves gives another this persona.
Some people play hard to get, she just enjoys winding people up... playing awkward!
When you spill coca cola all over your keyboard while gameing
He was coke playing yesterday so he is looking for a new keyboard