1-A slick, elusive, amazing fighter. Cannot be beaten by anyone/anything. Knows every style of fighting, mostly usues Asian Mixed Martial Arts. Can kill you in one swift movement with any object around them. Or even with their bare hands. They are not always asian. Never fallllls, they always land on their feet. Ninjas can read minds, perform amazing gymnast stunts, and can dogde a speeding bullet. Pretty much the greatest people to ever walk the earth. IMMORTAL TO EVERYTHING.
2-Another name for a smalll asian pole vaulter.
Did you see Jon yesterday? He totally fought off that anti-ninja with his amazing ninja skill!
Ninjas really know how to kick asss.
Courtney used her ninja skillll to jump on the car, flip onto some rooof, then dive into a helicopter.
Becca just cleared 9 feet!
Definitely the master of flossing and not a Japanese elite mercenary
"Look! that ninja is flossing! He must be so cool!" - a quote by a 10 year old
“What the fuck you say to me you little shit” -Ninja
“Don’t bully others” -Also Ninja
“I’m not seeing enough movement” -Ninja at the Flossing World Record
Ninja is a dork. Ninja isn’t that good at fortnite. Ninja is a joke.
NINJA - No Income No Job or Assets
I went $300k in debt to get a doctorate in linguistic gender acrobatics and now I'm NINJA.
1. A stealthy, agile person who is usually very good with hand to hand combat and is good with marshal arts
2. A cry baby, epic calling, fortnite playing, entitle, cant make people floss, ligma having, overpaid, stupid, blue haird bitch boy, in other words, Richard Tyler Blevins.
1. Wow youre so stealthy like a ninja
ninjaWhat the fuck did you say to me you little shit
Yelling at a little kid ninja
1. A stealthy, agile person who is usually very good with hand to hand combat and is good with marshal arts
2. A cry baby, epic calling, fortnite playing, entitle, cant make people floss, ligma having, overpaid, stupid, blue haird bitch boy, in other words, Richard Tyler Blevins.
1. Wow youre so stealthy like a ninja