Planet where you get food that you crave for but dont know it actually existed. Place where dreams can become reality and there is no such word as hunger
I am catching a rocket to Chapsi Foods
dont eat gross food ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Fast food that is cooked slowly, or "slow fast" food. i.e. french fries or a burger from a sit-down restaurant, such as TGI Friday's. Rhymes with "fasho".
"I only eat slow fast food."
"You mean faslow food?"
"Faslow? Fasho!"
a type of diarrhoea (diarrhea) that is very effective. It can kill u and even explode ur ass. It is hell. It is life.
When what you're shopping for isn't nearly as important as where you're shopping for it.
"Are those vegetables locally sourced?"
"Of course, I only shop WHOKE FOODS"
dropping your defender with a crossover, hesi, stepback, or any dribble move to only miss the shot, layup, or dunk.
So many kids nowadays spend too much time working on their handles, ignoring everything else offensively. Every day you see a "million dollar move with a food stamp finish."
A person who will devour their food and your food. They leave no scraps. Usually named Owen.
I hate going out to eat with that person they are such a food destroyer.