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Ojh way

We are the reason for the OJH way . This school is all that we need . Everything revolves around the OJH way . If you do not follow the OJH way then you will never EVER win at bingo ! ! ! ! !


person 1 : I love the Ojh way ! ! !

homeless guy : Me too ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

by Theojhway March 21, 2022

Ojh way

The Ojh way is the only way . It is a religion . The only way of life . Once the day arrives when you enter the school your life shall be changed forever . You will be required to follow the ojh way otherwise the homeless guy will beat the shit out of YOU . Now that you have accepted your fate we welcome you , to the family religion . ITS ABOUT DRIVE , ITS ABOUT POWER . WE STAY HUNGRY , WE DEVOUR . May that repeat in your brain and echo in your heart .

Loser : Bro I fucking hate the ojh way .
The God himself Barbatos : shut up u mother bitcher

by Ojhwaysupporter March 16, 2022

Ojh way

The Ojh way is the only way . It is a religion . The only way of life . Once the day arrives when you enter the school your life shall be changed forever . You will be required to follow the ojh way otherwise the homeless guy will beat the shit out of YOU . Now that you have accepted your fate we welcome you , to the family religion . ITS ABOUT DRIVE , ITS ABOUT POWER . WE STAY HUNGRY , WE DEVOUR . May that repeat in your brain and echo in your heart .

Loser : Bro I fucking hate the ojh way .
The God himself Barbatos : shut up u mother bitcher

by Ojhwaysupporter March 16, 2022

Ojh way

The kindness of an OJH Eagle that should be followed during and after you even leave the school. The non-forbidden rule that shall always be followed.

One of the principles: We have to follow the Ojh way

by ThatCrazy Person March 17, 2022

In a loving way

When you insult one of your friends/ someone you care about but it doesn’t matter because you love them regardless their flaws.

Person1: ****’s a headass haha

Person2: I thought you guys were friends..
Person1: chillll I mean it in a loving way<3

by Pizzaaaaaaaa December 26, 2018

Daddy/Papi (Dirty way)

When either a boy or a girl calls a man "Papi" or "Daddy" in a fairly disgusting way-

"Ahhh, yes. Si papi~!"

Daddy/Papi (Dirty way)

by VincentAfton(AU) October 5, 2020

Wizzy Way

the act of letting someone know you're on your way, but with swag

1. yo bro im on the wizzy way right now homie

by young failure August 10, 2017