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What A Catch, Donnie

A triggering song that CrankThatFrank knew that he would get triggered by it sooner or later

"No! I just got What A Catch, Donnie-d! I got caught! I knew this would happen sooner or later..."

by Frnkiiero November 6, 2017

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

What are you micing?

A really hip, slang way to say what's up man? Applicable in any situation; to ask what are you doing? how are you doing? what would you like to do? what are you planning on doing? or just a general 'how's life?'

American in origin but became popular in the UK.

Derived from adjective "mousey," a similar word with multiple meanings including icky, lame, suspect and/or grayish brown.

Hey Saracen, what are you micing?

by Lord Lambert July 3, 2009

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

what’s up bitches

Term of endearment among a group of friends. Used typically to say hello to a group of friends. Other forms are β€œWhatup bitches”.

What’s up bitches I bring good news.

by Digitaldeathalone February 16, 2018

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

It's What I Do

Something that you find yourself doing repeatedly so it is your signature mark that is known by all

Yeah that was me who sniped you in COD4,It's What I Do

by Monoxide123 January 8, 2008

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

what the blood clot

Jamaican slang similar to saying, "what the fuck?"

See blood clot, and what the fuck.

It is also a song by Method Man, and referenced by Atmosphere in his song, "Hockey Hair."

"Herb got my wig fried like a bad perm, what the blood clot, we smoke pot, and blow spots
You wanna think twice, I think not"

by keeeent May 24, 2008

62πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

The story behind "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" is actually quite fascinating. You see, William Tager was the local psycho in New York. He thought CBSNews was beaming signals into his head. Naturally, when he saw Dan Rathers walking down the street, he ran up and beat the crap out of him, repeatedly requesting the frequency of the signals so he can stop them, while addressing Rathers as "Kenneth" for no apparent reason to this date.

After this freak event, Tager later shot a CBSNews stagehand. He was then arrested, and told his therapist all the beans.

R.E.M. made a song called "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" The phrase became a nationwide phenomenon. Whenever a cat fell off a roof and killed an old lady, they'd shout it. Whenever they didn't understand a homework question, they'd shout it. And if by any chance, that one son Tager had had with that old lady makes it past the age of five and notices that CBSNews is undetectedly taking over the world through brain control, he may see that one creepy guy who replaced Dan Rathers walking down the street while having a nice stroll down New York and beat the crap out of him, saying "KENNETH, WHAT IS THE FREQUENCY!?"

Teacher: "When A and X are both positive integers in the equation a(4/4)=x and Y is a negative integer in the equation xy=a2, what is the value of Y? Billy?"


by Spam Spathers March 12, 2005

198πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

whats your damage

agree with previous definitions, but should add the origin of this phrase-
the movie "Heathers"

Winona Ryder-"What's your damage?"

by oldschool May 19, 2004

78πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž