the best ship ever no one can say anything about it as it is so perfect
Person 1:I ship PS1 Hagrid x Shrek
Person 2: So does everyone you're not original
x men is a universe in marvel
it’s also a group, some of the members are professor x, Jean grey and Storm
What is your favourite universe?
My favourite universe is the x men universe
You might wanna think about changing that to X-women
Why x-men? Why not x-women? It's pride month y'all. #pride #gayfags
Wasn't a civil rights parody and Stan Lee has said as much.
Hym "The guy who created the X-Men said that it wasn't a civil rights parody. Not a thing. This is just another example of people's interpretation of reality taking precedent over the intent of the guy who actually did the thing."
SAS X Lucy is a ship of LucyTheWolfSky and Superfoxy101.. A ship is a shing you put a name x name =>
a class to teach kids, who think they are badasses, that they are in fact not badass.
"man john is such a fuckboi i hope they stick his ass in american history x for first period this semester"