Alcoholic, cokehead, "born-again Christian" warmonger who manages to seem like a regular guy even though he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was "educated" at both Harvard and Yale; is not, in fact, from Texas, but is from Connecticut, thank you very much; "president" of United States of America
"Hey y'all, look at ol' George W. Bush! He's just a reg'lar guy like me, what cain't pronounce things rightly! Let's go join the army so's we can git 'er done!"
442๐ 251๐
1)An error of Mother Nature
2)Combination of Idiot, Fool and Imbecile
3)Miserable Failure
4)A man who feels tough by attacking random nations, but still fails in it
-You're even dumber than Bush!
-You're a Bush! Everyone knows 1+1 equals 2!
-I am George W. Bush, and I have the intelligence of a soapbar
555๐ 320๐
One of the worst president that the United States has ever had; a retard who just wants to blow everyone up and get money for it; a person who can't controll his own daughters and is in charge of running a country
Geroge W. Bush is such a reatard who needs to quit blowing everyone up!!
168๐ 88๐
-Conservative E-Thug
-Peace Hater
-Ann Coulter's Penis
-Massive NRA Supporter... Canada has stricter gun laws, and they have lower death rates... Coincidence?
-Assumes the Rock Against Bush CD is made by liberals, and not hippies just trying to sell records
-Someone with the nerve to post this:
"Seen on a bathroom stall wall: GAYS ARE BOUND FOR HELL.
Me writing in response: True Dat."
-Christian Lunatic
-Worst Legionary ever
Jim: Did you see The Loyal Bush Legionary's post about Homosexuals?
John: Ya man, it was revolting and disgusting, its a shame that people like that have to exist.
Jim: What a gay hating asshat.
John: AssBelonk
Jim: Ya... Belonk
16๐ 5๐
hum... a fuck job who doesnt know shit about running a country or war. he was a drunk at yale and got straight C's which put together makes the ingrediants for a GREAT president. im so glad that our country and our future is in such great hands... NOT... im pretty sure that one day insted of saying asshole, ppl will start saying George bush
god ur being such a fucking george bush!
539๐ 314๐
The President who lied about going into and getting out of Iraq, got destroyed in all 3 presidential debates (where he answered about 1/10 of the questions he was asked and skirted around the rest), who wants to take away your constitutional rights by arresting you for unconfirmed suspicions, and who is going to re-institute the draft (which means that the majority of this site will probably go to Iraq).
And most of you still voted for him.
532๐ 310๐
42nd president of the United States of America. In his first term, America was hit with a vicious terrorist attack on the world trade towers and the pentagon. At first, America hailed him as their commander-in-chief because it was a difficult time. Popular opinion turned against him when he declared war on the nation of Iraq on the grounds that the nation had weapons of mass destruction, was linked to al qaeda and was under the leadership of a cruel dictator. When no weapons of mass destruction turned up and no link to al qaeda was found, he was even more heavily criticized. Election 2004 would require a hard push against his opposing candidate, John Kerry. Bush made a move to ban gay marriage that gave him the support of the religious right. His hard campaigning in rural America locked his victory up against an opponent who was running a poor "Anybody But Bush" campaign. His second term is still in progress.
Michael Moore criticized George W. Bush for reading My Pet Goat to children instead of acting immediately to do something about the terrorist attack.
550๐ 325๐