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Coolness in person

Marton Alin

That dude is coolness in person

by Roaaar July 1, 2018


something someone would say when they are uninterested in the conversation or to avoid more small talk

"My cat just died"


"Fuck you Tod"

by 歐米茄耶穌 April 21, 2018


addie corrigan

person 1: what does cool mean?
person 2: addie corrigan

by addieistoocooltofunction March 30, 2021


Cool = marlon

yo he cool ...
yea cuz he’s a marlon

sksksk hi marlonnn

by cocksucker1012 June 10, 2019


Maja is a totally cool name

IT is from Greenland everyone with this name is super amazing and very cute Maja is a special name so of your name is Maja congratulations, you have a cool name

Everyone: wow Maja is such a beautiful and cool name!

by Coolswagster101 May 29, 2020


A word used to express that someone or something is interesting or well liked or acceptable or favorable or trendy existing in contrast to others or other things that aren’t.

He’s cool

“She’s cool”

It’s cool”

“That’s cool”

“This is cool”

by MicGregor September 12, 2022


Cool means you like someone a lot

Your cool, babe

by ajskgfc,ajcbgfrh/kauhdsvc February 22, 2023