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Soli Effect

when a guy joins your guild and is toxic enough to slowly disband it even tho he didn't actually contribute or did anything, he was just there.

oh guys looks like we got a soli in our guild
Gm, can you please gkick that guy? he's causing the soli effect.

by solidair June 7, 2020

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Laudanum effect

The state acquired by ingesting opiates in accompaniment with alcohol. Opium and Absinthe are the most desirable substances for use in this combination, as they are most redolent of true Laudanum, a compound of a wide spectrum of opium alkaloids and alcohol once used to treat various medical afflictions, and the time period in which the elixir was common.

Drug addict: I need a serious fix.

Dr. Feelgood: Combine 16 ounces of wormwood-distilled Absinthe with two ounces of dissolved opium, mix until homogenous, and quaff liberally until the desired effects are achieved.

Drug addict: So basically you're telling me to get some tar and a bottle of green fairy and get a nice Laudanum effect?

Dr. Feelgood: Yeah, more or less.

by Snowflake 2.0 March 22, 2012

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Oakley Effect

When a dude looks hot with his sunglasses on but then takes them off and is quite the opposite.

"That guy over there is so hot! Wait... He just took off his sunglasses, ew! Hardcore Oakley Effect here.

by kyrsteeZ June 19, 2016

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The Classroom Effect

What happens when your sitting in a classroom and everything seems to be much funnier than it should be.

*flicks an eraser off desk*
*can barely contain laughter*
That’s the classroom effect

by Cpdough18 August 18, 2019

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The A . B Effect

This is where you go to a party, and everyone agrees to "what is said here stays here". The next day or following days everyone finds out what was said, usually for one loud mouth individual. This is the A . B Effect.

Hey, did you hear about what happened at X's party?
Yeah, that was the A . B Effect in full force for sure

by Twynne April 30, 2015

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Dominey Effect

The Dominey Effect is when a person has an internal hemorrhoid or several inside the rectum creating two or more distinctive strings of loaf when said person is on the can. The Dominey Effect is usually seen in public restrooms or restrooms in the workplace. It is usually the product of those who sit for longer than average periods of time i.e. office workers, video game addicts, lazy people, etc.

An office worker enters the restroom at the end of lunch break, and is ready to take a huge load off when he opens the stall door and sees that the previous user left a surprise in the bowl, and gagged when he saw the linguini shaped product of the Dominey Effect.

by dicksucksrich September 1, 2010

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The Undertale Effect

By listening to undertale ost's your vrt increases by 100% causing you to get good kovaak's scores. Often people confuse it with π“ͺ𝓲𝓢𝓫𝓸𝓽*.

*π“ͺ𝓲𝓢𝓫𝓸𝓽- a bot that aims.

Me: oh you got a good score on arc dodge switch?
My friend: yeah i used the undertale effect.
Me: oh that makes sense now

by Saltcult February 9, 2021

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